Saturday, November 21, 2009

I Have Absolutely Nothing to Say...

...but since when has that stopped me from saying it?

Work on my screenplay has been going well. My heroine is a Crystal Bearer and my hero is an alien. It's all sorts of good fun. I don't know why I didn't think of doing a television show before. My only problem is that I have to come up with a plot for every episode. So far I've planned the pilot, a murder mystery, and I have some vague idea of them going to Diak in disguise.... I'm not worried, though -- half the fun of writing is not knowing what's going to happen next. Oh, and I have plotted out the love-life in it ... though I'm not sure if I'm going to hook Kimberly up with anyone any time soon. She kind of went through a dramatic breakup just before the show started.

"Let me make my own mistakes, that's half the fun." Tee-hee! I'm watching My Three Sons ('cause I'm an old person like that). Kee! It's such a melodrama. "She wrote this story that's so profound that nobody knows what it means." That reminds me of something a friend of mine wrote:
The people who sit in the stars,
they sit on the stars,
like it's (all of the so bazillions)
their planets.

Even she didn't know what it means. But I think it's cool.

The more you look at less,
The more less looks like more.

So, if you look at my post for a really long time, it might actually seem like something.

I'm really not just trying to prove that I have nothing to say.

Yesterday, I watched the preview for The Lightening Thief. It looks really good. I liked the book a ton -- and it looks like they're going to do it well.
I'm REALLY tired... and this laptop does not hold a charge well ... AND I have to be at the church at 7:30 tomorrow ... AND I want pineapple....

<3/Captain Whitney
Oh, how cute! ...A couple of rodents looking for a theme park.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Demotivational Pictures

Let's just say, Cristianna's here and I have nothing to do ... well, actually I have LOTS to do, but instead I'm doing THIS!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Say you're writing a screenplay (which I am) and you're doing a series of shots to show your heroine's morning -- she's running late, scarfing down breakfst, shoving things in her purse, hurriedly brushing her teeth, running a brush through her hair, etc.
Got that?

Now say that you wanted to show, during this series of shots, that your heroine has random ESP moments and can occasionally see the future (she knows who's knocking on the door before answering it, knows who's calling without looking at Caller I.D., etc.).

So, now for my question: How would you go about showing, in some small way, this psychic power? I don't know how to just slip in something about, oh, yeah, she can see the future. I'm going to explain it more later on, so it's okay if the reader/watcher can come up with some rational explination for how she knew what was happening or they just don't quite catch that she's seeing the future -- I would still like it to be in there, and I'm not quite sure what to do.

Literary advice would be greatly appreciated!

(By the way, she's not a fake psychic, and there will probably not be any pineapple....)

<3/Captain Whitney
"Your bloodhound is nose-deaf?"
"...We prefer the more politically correct "olfactory-impaired"...."
P.S. The picture is improperly formatted -- a screenplay should only be bound with two brads, the middle hole should be left empty.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a Story!

I've been reading about Marco Polo for History. Honestly, before today the only reference I had to Marco Polo was a pool game.... However, I have instantly become fascinated! Being an explorer would be AMAZING, and his descriptions of the world he found in China... well, it's no wonder that he inspired so many other explorers!

Lately, the only exploring I have been doing has been of places in my books -- but what awesome places they are!!! It is my dream to travel to J-Sar and see the shining cities, or to Aira and study magic at Bostwick's (Batwick's) Academy, or to Phar and ride a unicorn, or to Aquat to ... to ... do whatever it is Aquatians do (honestly, I have no idea).
Right now, I'm writing a series of books about an Earth girl named Kimberly Briggs and a J-Sarn guy named Hendricks (he does have a first name, but he doesn't like to admit what it is) who travel across the universe with Kimberly's Gunnel Crystal. It's going to be AMAZING! (If I can ever get them off of Earth...)

Okay, I woke up late today, and I have been VERY non-productive. I put in 6 1/2 hours of school the past two days, and now I'm fried. All I really want to do is watch Doctor Who and write, but I'm plugging away (well, actually, I'm writing blog posts to avoid having to plug away....)

Oh, sorry to everyone (namely Ken Carson) that I told I was going to Saratoga Springs and then I never contacted.... I'm kind of a ditz (but you already knew that about me, didn't you?).



I am.




I'm out of things to say, so I guess I do have to go do my English class.

Stay out of trouble.

Remember your pineapple.

Don't eat the cat.

Say no to drugs.
Say yes to tacos!

David Tennant is the hottest man alive!

Cheese is icky!


Be a Friend of the Ood!

Go U of G! (University of Galifrey!)

(I would insert a heart, but I'm using a stupid MAC computer and the heart doesn't work!)/Captain Whitney

My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation
As my two eyes make one in sight.

P.S. Here's a link to the site I've been reading about Marco Polo -- it's AMAZING!

Monday, October 05, 2009

History vs. Fiction

So, I'm taking a break from History right now (I've been doing the class for an hour), and I just wanted to comment on how REDICULOUS History class is. I mean, come on -- they think that the thing in this picture has some sort of religious purpose. You could find something identical to that in your local junk yard!

I hope some day, when we're in Heaven, we get to look down on the archeologists who are figuring out what OUR junk means (The Doctor says that he hates archeologists ... which I thought was funny, considering who he is....). I look forward to the chance to laugh at the silly humans who have no idea what they're talking about.

Written records I will believe (with a grain of salt -- every writer has their own opinion that taints their view), but the analyzing of junk seems WAY too imprecice to me -- it's all guess work.

Really, I think fiction is the only way to truly tell the truth. I've been thinking about this a lot lately -- I mean, fiction is the only thing that comes out and admits: I'm not true, and I'm clouded by opinion. Only when that is stated can you then sift through what is being said and find the real message behind it. The book I am writing right now is about a different planet where the people have magic powers -- but it is also a very strong message about agency. In fact, I keep getting prompted to write this book while doing things like watching conference and reading scriptures.

Mostly, I guess I needed somewhere to complain about the stupidity of History class, but now I should go back to actually studying... Sigh. But GUESS WHAT!!! I'm not failing History any more! SWEET! Almost as sweet as pineapple!

♥/Captain Whitney

I didn't lie, I just created fiction with my mouth.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

What Kind of Hero?

So, as you all probably are aware, I am a bit of a Doctor Who fan ("How exactly are you a 'fan'? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?"). But I've been thinking about this obsession of mine a lot lately, wondering why I love it so much (oh yeah -- 'cause it's AWESOME ... and David Tennant's gorgeous), and I realized that (besides those reasons) it's because I wish I could be like him -- The Doctor.

I mean, here is a man who gets to see EVERYTHING. He travels the universe in that little blue box of his (it's bigger on the inside), and he makes a difference in people's lives. Not only does he save them, but he changes them for the better -- teaches them about equality and choice and peaceful living. And he cares about them -- about each ordinary human and emotionless Cyberman and even the cruel aliens from Rexicoricofalipetorious.

Now, I have come to the realization that the probability of me gaining a Tardis and travelling across the universe with psychic paper and a sonic screwdriver saving people's lives is very unlikely. However, I have also decided that I AM going to make a difference ... somehow. I know this makes me sound vain, like I think I'm something grand or I am seeking praise, but really ... I just want to know that my brief span on this earth was WORTH something. That I made a real DIFFERENCE to someone.

Somehow, in some way, I am going to change the world for the better. This I swear. Some day I'm going to do something grand and exciting and marvelous. I'm going to see something of the world and make a difference. I'm making that promise right now, to myself -- a promise I WILL keep.

Captain Whitney

Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. Everyday life can provide honor and valor. Let's hope that from now on this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's the Little Things in Life

So, I just had an emotional break down and wrote this whole long BLOG post that made no sense (which I printed out to paste in my diary, but decided not to annoy you with), and then I was going to go to bed and just let myself be depressed. Then I started rereading my old posts, and....

Well, it's all just so SILLY. I always stress about my grades -- and I almost always get them up. And if I don't: so what? Like Mrs. Kavmark says, no one's going to remember your grades in ten years anyways. Sure, it matters for getting into college, but I'm not terribly worried about that -- especially since it might be at the expense of my sanity (which I cannot afford to lose).

It's more than that... I've been... I dunno'. Craving adventure, I guess. Sometimes it's hard to not be running around changing the world.
I just -- I want to do something BIG, GRAND, and EXCITING.

But, you know, some of the happiest moments in my life have come from... absolutely nothing. You know, just sitting around basking in the sunshine, or playing cards with a friend, or discussing how we could terrorize guys on dates when we turn sixteen! (Like faking (what do I mean, faking?!) that we're crazy!)

I guess what I'm saying is: Don't take things so seriously.
Would it be nice to do something amazing and save the universe? Yes. I'm not going to pretend that I don't still want that opportunity. But, until then, I'll content myself with feeling good by sharing pineapple.

Captain Whitney
♫♪So you wanna' change the world? What are you waiting for? Say you're gonna' start right now? What are you waiting for? It only takes one voice, so come on now and shout it out. Give a little more. What are you waiting for?♪♫

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I do still know how to blog...

...but I don't know if I still know how to write. THIS is the best I've been able to do:

It's worse than the worst writer's block.
It's having words and sentences that won't make meaning.
It's having characters with no faces,
stories with no plots,
settings with no doors to let me in.
And I'm scared, out here in the rain, and they won't let me in.
They won't let me in.
There's nothing I can say--
they seem to have taken my words away.
Why has the novelist turned poet?
Why has the author turned to Facebook poster and e-mailer?
Why have I lost my pen, my paper, and my passion?
Why is this stupid thing all I can seem to write?
Where did my words go?

And there isn't any pineapple.... (Did you notice pineapple was missing from my last post?!)

♥Captain Whitney
I'm a galley slave to pen and ink.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

In WHO We Trust?

I got this in an e-mail, and I thought of sending it on -- but that seemed so casual. I want it posted here so I can say how important it is. I don't think any of the readers of my BLOG (if I have any left, considering how long it has been since last I posted) want God out of schools and work and our lives -- but I think we need to do more than support Him, I think we need to fight for Him. Our pledge of allegiance should say "One nation, under God", our currancy should read "In God we trust". We need someone to trust, or we're in trouble.

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas trees.

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina). Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem. We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay. (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide.)

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.
Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.

If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.

My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully,
Ben Stein

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Saving Hyrule One Dungeon at a Time

Yay! I have spent the past two days doing just about nothing save for playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time with C. Bai! I got her totally addicted -- I'm so proud of myself!

I cannot BELIEVE how long it has been since I last posted! And, it being summer, I have little to post about in any case. Next time something exciting happens to me, I'll post about it, promise (you'll be waiting a REALLY long time for such a post!).

My mother got me sleeping pills! They're amazing! I don't sleep at night -- pretty much an insomniac, but these pills knocked me out. And I woke up really refreshed, a thing that has not happened in ... EVER.

I saved Hyrule to-day! (Back to the Zelda thing, keep up.) Yeah, I conquered Gannondorf (and Gannon) and beat the game! It was amazing! And now I'm starting over.

I'm going to go play Zelda, actually. So much for posting. I promise I will... eventually.

I had pineapple with dinner!! It was delicious! Psych's back on SOON!!! Bailey and I are going to have a marathon... it's going to be amazing.

Okay, this was not a real post -- just a sneak preview for things to come. I'll post something real in a day or two, promise.

CURSE NAVAROG!!!!! Sorry, I'm rereading Fablehaven, and I just finished the third one and... UGH!!! It's almost infuriating to know what's going to happen, 'cause... 'cause... Agh! I don't want to give it away if you haven't read them!

I got sunburned at Bear Lake! OUCH! It hurts to WEAR CLOTHES! (That hasn't stopped me, promise.) Cry... sniffle... sob!

Okay, I'm going away. Some day I'll post something with sense.
Wait -- ME post something with SENSE?!?! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That was a good one!

♥Captain Whitney
Today I am as happy as a seagul with a french fry!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Devil Made Me Do It

So... I'm still sick, and I missed my second day of play practice in a row. I'm REALLY worried about how Mr. Taylor is going to react!!! Anyways, because I've been sick and my mother finally talked me into it, I've spent all day: on Facebook!

Wow... if ever there was a waist of time, it was putting Flair on Facebook. Which has to be hypocritical statement of the year, for I have created so many Flair they won't let me add any more until tomorrow, and I've added so many to my corkboard that I ha dto move on to the second one. Sigh. I feel REALLY non-productive! It's really rather depressing. Maybe this was just the thing to get me back focused on school -- I'm READY to go back!!!
...well, at least to play practice....

Except that I still don't feel good.

I'm really depressed.... Sigh. Oh well.

Captain Whitney
Boys are like lava-lamps: fun to look at, but not very bright.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

holding out for spring break

I am SOOOOO ready for Spring "Keep"!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Don't ask on the keep thing) All of my teachers have Spring fever, and it's driving me crazy! Mrs Hancock, my English teacher, started filling out detention slips on Monday and waited almost anxiously for us to do something so she could give them to us. Mr Crazy Head Taylor was in a REALLY bad mood today -- my friends all say they're scared of him, but I just laughed at them: until TODAY, when I descovered that Mr C.H.T. can be scary!!! Luckily he lightened up before Play Practice ended. I think Grandma's in a bad mood too.... Sigh.

I'm holding out well, though! I'm actually pretty happy!!! I just want to give everyone else a break, so that when I see them again THEY will be happy.
Kendra and I are writing the SPIFFIEST of all SPIFFY books! I play DEATH, she LOVE -- and each of us has to find a new student to train to take our position, so's we can retire. So Kendra plays my student, Fredrick (who's a girl ... don't ask), training to be DEATH, and I play her student, the yet-to-be-named LOVE in training, who's a guy. The great thing is, she's really sweet, loves animals, and hates killing people -- in fact, she REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't want to be DEATH. And my character would rather play video games than hook people up -- he thinks love is grody, but now it's his job to make people fall in LOVE. Tee-hee. It's really fun.
**What should I name LOVE????**

So ... Drama is consuming my life, but I have found time to work on my latest book (I know, I KNOW, FINISH one already!!!). This one's called Disbelieved, and it's about a girl (Rebecca Hutchinson) who has an Imaginary Friend (Jake, her knight without shining armor ('cause that's stuff's awful uncomfortable)), but then she stops believing in him, because she's eleven and grown up. He gets sent to the cold, desolate planet of Brilliantis -- but he fights his way back to Earth, arriving when Becky is twenty one and most in need of his assistance. She just broke of her engagement with Some Dude, she hates her job, she's failing all her classes... I dunno'. She's in a rut.
Jake has to work to get her to believe in him. It's a really sweet story, I think. I'm really enjoying the writing process (in the few moments I can scrape together to write).

I'M GOING TO PHANTOM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it had better be pretty awesome, 'cause I paid twenty bucks for the ticket! It'll be cool -- we get a back-stage tour and everything. AND I get to skip out on Science Class (it's almost worth the $20 just for that....)

I've been keeping up on my homework!!! I'm actually really proud of myself, stupid though that sounds. I've been doing my B-Day homework ON B-Days (what a concept!) and my A-Day homework on A-Days (no!). I only have a VERY SMALL amount of Geography homework to do today.

OH MY HECK!!! We have the awesomest Geography assignment!!! (Despite the fact that awesomest is not a word) We were all really annoyed with Ms Cox when she told us we had homework over Spring Keep, but after we heard what it is, I'm all excited! I can't talk about it, 'cause it's supposed to be SECRET, but I'll post after I do it!

As you may be able to tell, I'm in a really random mood. Play practice was physically and emotionally draining, and I don't really feel like doing anything, so I'm just writing everything that comes to this complicated little head of mine.
But that's why you love me, right?

Anyways, I'm going to go away now, while I still maintain a speck of sanity.
Captain Whitney
And Peter Pan chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

51 Things in my Bedroom...

...because I ought to be doing my homework -- or sleeping (what a novel idea!).

1. A thing pretending to be a closet

2. A teensy-weensy custard (that I chose over a giant one)

3. A penguin pillow that says: MOO!

4. Penguin quilt

5-9. Some of my penguin collection

10. Spiffy fadora

11. A broken wall mirror

12. Spinny chair

13. Rabbit lamp

14-19. My Wodehouse books

20. The Three Amigos VHS

21. backpack

22. vanity

23. Partially mutilated green bunny

24. Serial killer baby chicken

25. telephone

26. Unicorn

27. Typewriter

28. Hobbes

29. Marvin

30. Zounds

31. Jewelry box

32. Printer

33. DVD player

34. BzzAgent box

35. horse

36. cow

37&38. Matching armchairs with mis-matching legs

39. filing cabnet

40. stool

41. roll-top desk

42. giant spool of string

43. white Ikea dresser

44. green tiara

45. Crib/bed

46. white board

47. game cube

48-50. Fablehaven 1-3

51. ME!

...Not that anyone cares. This one chic did it on her blog, and I thought it was kind of a fun idea. Mostly, I ought to be finishing my story for Creative Writing (or, as I say, sleeping), and I'm not, so I had to be doing something else.

I have a TON to post about ... hopefully I'll find time tomorrow.

I was rereading my old blog today. Rather painful. I hope I don't sound nearly so stupid on this one....

Sigh. Always depressing to think yourself really clever and then find out that you really aren't. Tee-hee, oh well. It's your time you're wasting, reading my Random Babbelings of Nonsensical Nothingness. And at least there's pineapple, right?

Captain Whitney

Don't get eaten by brownies!

Monday, March 23, 2009

I Am But Mad When the Wind Blows Nor-Nor-East

My director is so bipolar! He's in L.A. today, so we figured we didn't have play practice, so I called Uncle Stephan to pick me up at 2:25. Then Mr. Taylor told Portia that we did have play practice -- so I telephoned my uncle and asked him to pick me up after play practice (whenever that was). Then Crazy Head texted Portia and said we only have play practice if the choir teacher was willing to be adult supervision and help us out -- which, apparently, she was not, for now we don't have play practice. I telephoned Uncle Steven and asked him to pick me up at 2:25 -- and let's hope this is the last time.

I skipped out on lunch today to finish my play for Drama -- then had to hang out in the computer lab during mentoring to continue. I figured I would end up having to finish it at home and hope Mr. Taylor didn't kill me. Then our substitute told us we would be spending the class period working on our plays. So, thusly, I finished forty minutes early and am now writing a blog post which you may or may not be reading (I would assume that you are, but I could be mistaken).
Anyways, luckily for me, we had an auction in Seminary today, and I bought a mini-box of Froot Loops, so I did not go lunchless. HOORAY for Seminary!!!! Today we talked about the repentance process -- which was fun and all but now my faerie blood is taking over. SO on to another topic!

No, I really do think I have faerie blood. Kimberly and I were discussing this, because I can't hold a conversation on one topic for longer than approximately thirty seconds. Everyone knows that faeries are flighty, and it's actually something I talk about in mine and Anit's book Carson's School for the Future.

I finished organizing my room yesterday -- it wasn't really like cleaning, because going through all my papers was relaxing and way fun! (Okay, this is my justification -- mostly, my OCD nature took over and I couldn't leave the papers scattered all over my room the way they were) My room looks better than it has since I moved in to my Grandparents'! (That apostrophe is very important....)
Also yesterday, I had a Rex Harrison marathon! I watched all two movies with him that I know of! My Fair Lady and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir! They were positively amazing (just like they were the last time I watched them)!!! My Fair Lady is actually my most recent obsession -- I tend to collect those. In fact, I was being mocked for my obsessions during History today, because I was squealing over Psych and how DEPRESSED I am that it's over 'till JUNE!!!! (WHAAA!!! I'm still depressed ... and now I'm craving pineapple!) Obsessions make me happy, and keep my occupied....
Mainly, I'm a Drama queen -- if I'm even remotely affiliated with something, I'm passionate about it. I get it from my mother, so blame her.

Anyways, don't eat the cat!

♥/Captain Whitney

"Going into theater is like asking for admission into an insane asylum."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ... who also bakes cupcakes!

Wow! It has been forever since I posted, but I have been crazy busy!

We performed Fortress -- which was way a lot of fun, though I did not LOVE being an ensemble member that wasn't allowed to move 98% of the time.
The last night was HILARIOUS!!! It was McKaylie's last night performing with our school EVER, and so she improvised, like, EVERY line. Oh my gosh -- she made me laugh so hard! We took a vow of silence not to tell our director what we did (as he wasn't there, having been at a performance) but it slipped out and he knows. However, he said nothing -- which is good. McKaylie was quite certain she was going to die.

Three days after our last performance of Fortress we had auditions for our school musical "Once On This Island". Those of you who have been following my Blog since forever may recall that I posted about going to it (I don't remember if it was on this Blog or my other one ... all I remember is that the post was called "Poison Mangoes").
Anyways, I was SCARED TO DEATH!!!! Auditions are scary enough under normal circumstances, but I have had ZERO experience singing in front of people, and even less training in Voice. However, I took the chance and auditioned (singing "Santa Fe" from Disney's Newsies). I made it to call backs! I was astonished! They had us sing in groups of four a song from the play and then learn and do a dance. Amazingly, I was on the Cast List!!! I'm only an ensemble member, but at least this time I'll be allowed to move! And a TON of people were cut, so I'm taking it as a real compliment (despite a depressing conversation with the very tautological Paden on how they're just giving us ensemble roles to make us feel good or something). I think we start rehersals Monday -- I'm excited!

I have been theoretically baking lately -- don't ask how you can theoretically bake. Let's just say, the only thing we've actually eaten that I made was from a cake mix. But I'm working on it.
I'm going to try this recpie, hopefully tomorrow, if not, Monday:


• 2 cups all purpose flour
• 1 1/2 cups sugar
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 4 egg whites from large eggs
• 1/2 cup shortening
• 1 cup 2% milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Vanilla Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners.

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, shortening, milk and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Mix at low speed for 2 minutes. Scrape bowl. Add egg whites and mix at high speed until fluffy and smooth, approximately 2 minutes.

Fill liners 1/2 to 2/3 full of batter. Do not overfill. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool 10 minutes in pans then remove from pan, and place on wire racks to cool completely.

Frost and decorate your vanilla cupcakes as desired.

I don't know if they're any good -- guess we'll find out.

I also have a cookie recipe I want to try, but it's really complicated, and I think it's going to have to wait until I'm less stressed out. Yes, I am stressed out -- very. I need to go back to cleaning my room, because I have left it in total disarray and I can't clean tomorrow, it being Sunday.

PSYCH'S OFF 'TILL JUNE!!! WHAAAA!!! When it comes back on, CBai and I are holding a HUGE party -- with fresh pineapple, and pineapple up side down cake, and a pineapple smoothy. HOORAY FOR PINEAPPLE!!!!!!! I miss Psych! And I was SOOO mad at Shaun at the end of the finale -- I just can't wait until it comes back on so I can start loving him again!

Okay, I really am going away now.

Love, cupcakes, pineapple, et cetera.

♥Captain Whitney

Monday, February 23, 2009

I AM Focused -- hey, look, a chicken!!!!

I am in a REALLY random mood today -- probably because I OUGHT to be writing my short story for English, or doing my paper for Drama, or cleaning my room, or doing my science project, or doing my math homework, or ... something similarly productive.
So I'm not.

Oh, the loverly picture of me is one Kenneth took at Shakespeare Festivall -- it's beter than the other ones, I'll say that much. (Not that KenBarbie isn't good at taking pictures -- I just don't like having my picture taken so I make funny faces)

I got this in an e-mail -- you guys (all one of you who read my blog...) ought to fill it out, too! As you may or may not have ascertained, you must answer the question with a word that starts with the first letter of your name.

1. What is your name Kat!e
2. A 4 Letter Word Kiss
3. A Boys Name: Kenneth
4. A Girls Name: Katarianna
5. An Occupation: Kiwi tamer (thanks Heid) or maybe kettle cleaner
6. A Color Kashmire
7. Something you wear: Kimona (okay, I don't wear it, but some people do...)
8. A Beverage: Kabuki
9. A Food: Knichi
10. Something found: Kidnapping victims
12. A Reason for being late: kids are sick
13. Something you shout: KALABUNGA!!!!!

Tee-hee! Alright, that was fun.

Perhaps I will go pretend to be productive now?

Captain Whitney
I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Looks like you're stuck getting some of my writing whether you like it or not ☺
The style of this was not my idea -- it's 9 syllables, 8 syllables, 7 syllables, et cetera. We were supposed to write something connected with the poem before, and the poem before mine -- well, read as follows:

Trolls Vanquished
by Keri West

listen now to tales of heros past
trolls vanquished, the princess safe
knights in the castle towers
elves in their woodland home
and you in your bed
a soft mattres
swarm pillow

Which inspired me to write:

Moonlit Wishes
by Captain Whitney
We sleep perchance to dream of our life
What adventures might lie in store
And what we may accomplish.
Dream of love, and of vows
Made in the moonlight.
Dream of the day
that follows
and life

Captain Whitney

If pigs had wings, they'd be pigeons!
Post Script
So, my computer's having issues (no surprise there), and thusly I can't get the formatting right, and there will be no picture (despite the awesomeness of the picture I had planned for this post). I guess you will just have to imagine one.
Love and pineapple (you thought I'd forgotten!).

Your while may not be worth what you think, nor what you think worth the while it takes to think it.

There is something about writing for adults -- and knowing that it is for adults I write -- that makes me, as a teenager, especially careful. I have been posting on, and I know most of the writers are grownups, thusly I take time to ponder what I write, and I delve into the extensive vocabulary I know I posses, in the hopes of sounding intelegent. This, I believe, is helping my writing, for fear makes me cautious, and caution makes me better.
Anyways, I know I haven't posted in a while, and I haven't really anything to say, except that I'm enjoying being a monkey, I'm depressed that the Psych season is over 'till summer, and I like pineapple.
Sorry that is the extent of it. Check out my posts on One Million Monkeys if you want to read some of the stuff I've written!
Captain Whitney
I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Love Poem

It's almost Valentines day, and I thought you might all be interested in a love poem we read in History. There is something haunting and sad about it, but definitely something beautiful and sweet.

anyone lived in a pretty how town

(with up so floating many bells down)

spring summer autumn winter

he sang his didn't he danced his did.

Women and men (both little and small)

cared for anyone not at all

they sowed their isn't they reaped their same

sun moon stars rain

children guessed (but only a few

and down they forgot as up they grew

autumn winter spring summer)

that noone loved him more by more

when by now and tree by leaf

she laughed his joy she cried his grief

bird by snow and stir by still

anyone's any was all to her

someones married their everyones

laughed their cryings and did their dance

(sleep wake hope and then) they

said their nevers and slept their dream

stars rain sun moon

(and only the snow can begin to explain

how children are apt to forget to remember

with up so floating many bells down)

one day anyone died i guess

(and noone stooped to kiss his face)

busy folk buried them side by side

little by little and was by was

all by all and deep by deep

and more by more they dream their sleep

noone and anyone earth by april

wish by spirit and if by yes.

Women and men (both dong and ding)

summer autumn winter spring

reaped their sowing and went their came

sun moon stars rain

Have a happy Valentines day. Split a pineapple with a loved one, and good luck figuring out the verses above!

Captain Whitney
The more you look at less, the more less looks like more.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Snowflakes Dance

You know, they tell you in school to think outside the box, but it's they who keep us bound. They who place labels, set rules. There is one right answer among innumerable wrong ones. They encourage us to ask questions -- then scoff before giving answers.
"Is LOST an emotion?" you ask.

No. They say. No no no. LOST is a state of NOT KNOWING WHERE YOU ARE. Emotions are FEELINGS. You ARE lost -- you can't FEEL lost.
Can't you?
By their definition, emotions are simple. Are words. Are defineable. MAKE SENSE.
When I smile, I'm HAPPY. When I frown, I'm ANGRY. When I cry, I'm SAD.
I smile, I frown, I cry, I laugh.

But what about when you're WAITING, and the snow is falling, and you aren't cold but you aren't warm, and you want the waiting to STOP and for LIFE to go on, but you NEVER want this moment to END? And you see the snowflakes DANCE, whispering past, decorating your hair -- and you are terribly, terribly LONELY, but you are basking in the FREEDOM of being by yourself?

How do you lable that? How do you catch it, tie it up, put it in a box, shove it in a book, and teach it?
'Cause they don't, you know.
They don't teach you what it means when you want to stand STILL, never move, and paradoxically you want to SCREAM and pull out your hair and break things. They don't tell you what it means when you want ADVENTURE, romance, excitement, danger -- and simultaniously you want to curl up under the covers, hear your mother's voice, and know that EVERYTHING will be OKAY, that you never, ever have to move.

Because they don't know.

They don't understand that feeling of itching to MOVE and longing to STAY.

And here, in this moment, perhaps you've found it. Perhaps you've caught it. Maybe you could tie it up, put it in a box, and shove it in a book? Could you teach it?

No. Because you don't understand it either.
But it's there.
And it's real.
And one day you'll catch it.
And then you'll let it FREE.

But the wait is over. The feeling's gone.

And your fear is that you will forget....

Captain Whitney

"We're alive. We're happy." Shouldn't that be enough?

Friday, February 06, 2009

A Day In This Bliss Called Life

Do you ever just open your eyes and realize that everything around you is perfect? That you really have everything you want, and everything is just right, and all you want to do is what is right? I had one of those moments today -- I think Wodehouse calls it euphoria, but don't quote me on that one. Anyways, it hasn't worn off.

My cousin Sam says "Say 'Hi, from Sam, my cousin'". I'm at their house right now. It was actually pretty awesome -- I was sitting, basking in the sheer joy of being alive, and doing my Science homework (which was far less fun), when my uncle called up the stairs: "Hey, Aunt Candi was wondering if you want to go stay at her house." So now Uncle Stephen and I are bopping around at Aunt Candi's, hanging out with my cousins and playing video games. The best trips are the spontaneous ones.

The only trouble with this spontaneity is that we can't watch Psych until to-morrow. :( Oh well.

I was very productive to-day -- I studied for my Science test and my History test and cleaned my room and did my Seminary reading. You should be proud of me :)

Okay, I promised Sam I'd play Zelda: Ocarina of Time with him (I freaking love that game!!! My six year old self coming out again), so I've got to go.

When in doubt -- eat pineapple. It won't solve anything, but you'll be too happy to care!!

(heart)Captain Whitney

Idioms are for the birds.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pixie Stix, Lafty-Tafty Jokes, Hot Guys, and Sleep Deprivation...

...I am SO there!

Sorry it's been a bazillion years minus a half-post since I've come on! Life's been hectic, but nothing's really happened that's good to post about. Nothing I thought would interest you guys, anyways, but KenBarbie was pestering my so much I decided I had to say something, even if I had nothing to say.

This week has been crazy! We've had half schedule because the "Big Kids" are testing -- but a really wonkified half schedule, with two two-hour classes a day! We watched an entire movie today in Creative Writing (and ate cupcakes!).

Plus, I've had play practice -- but that was cancelled to-day. Mr. Tayler's REALLY starting to stress me out! This was a last-minute play, and we perform the (gulp!) 24th!!! and he keeps cancelling practices!! He's crazy, I tell you! Paden thinks he's a warewolf -- I just think he's bipolar, but either way, he's psychotic. A great director, though. I guess you have to be nuts to be great in the dramatic arts. (Shut up.)

I've actually been productive today! My friend Jill (age 5) came over to-day, and then her sister Caitlyn (age 8) visited, and then her brother Isaac (age 10). They're awesome. Anyways, we hung out, and then they went home, and somehow they inspired me to actually do something. I wrote my English essay (gag!) and typed my science notes and ... well, I guess that's about it, but it took almost an hour and a half, so it felt pretty productive. My essay is awful, but, then, I turn in things I like, and Mrs. Hancock hates it, I turn in something I hate, she loves it -- so I ought to get full marks on this piece of crap that I threw together. I have until Monday to edit it, but maybe I should just leave it the way it is?

I hate essay writing.

I don't say that to complain -- just stating a fact. After all, I'm done with the stupid essay, what do I have to complain about?

I did have a sleep-over planned for this weekend, but my friend got sick. Oh well, maybe this way I'll actually get some sleep.

PSYCH's ON TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! I spotted the pineapple last week, I was so proud of myself! The only times I usually see it is when Suan holds it up with a big red bow on it. Tee-hee!

So, I've got to write a short story for Creative Writing. Short-stories aren't really my forte. At all. But I'm plugging away -- and I've actually gotten to the point where I can enjoy the process (though I don't think anyone around me does). Some days I hate being a writer, other days I remember why I never want to be anything but. The latter is becoming more and more INfrequent. Ah well, all part of the trade, I suppose?

I still haven't read for Seminary yet to-day, so I had better go.

Don't eat the cat!

Captain Whitney

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God said: "Let there be light!", and there was still nothing, but now you could SEE it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just for KenBarbie

 I'm in Creative Writing class, and I think I'm supposed to be being productive. However, KenBarbie will never leave me alone if I don't post SOMETHING.

I like pancakes and ducks!

Don't eat the cat!

Pineapple to you!

Maybe some day I will post something of worth.

(heart)Captain Whitney

When in doubt, order pizza.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Just a Preview

This won't be a real post, as I haven't even started on my homework and I'm supposed to go to bed in an hour, but I was reading The Book of Mormon and I came across my favourite scripture (or, at least, one of them) and thought I would post it here as a reminder to myself:

Ether 12:27
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Something we tend to forget -- that God gave us our weakness. After all, where would the challenge be if we were all perfect?

Oh, by the way, my pineapple upside down cake turned out pretty good, I think. I'm making a pineapple smoothie Friday in honour of the Psych premier!!! And then maybe I'll get on to real baking. I made cupcakes to-night, but that doesn't count as it was a cake mix, and, actually, my grandmother made them, I just frosted them (and decorated them to look like penguins!!!!!!!!).

I'll try to post a real post soon (probably Friday when I'm waiting anxiously for Psych, I might even change my background, as I'm rather sick of snow now).

Pineapple to you.
♥Captain Whitney
Don't worry so much about homework and the way your hair looks and whether Jane likes you or not -- there are only so many things that matter in this life ... and I'm pretty sure pineapple is one of them.