Sunday, October 04, 2009

What Kind of Hero?

So, as you all probably are aware, I am a bit of a Doctor Who fan ("How exactly are you a 'fan'? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?"). But I've been thinking about this obsession of mine a lot lately, wondering why I love it so much (oh yeah -- 'cause it's AWESOME ... and David Tennant's gorgeous), and I realized that (besides those reasons) it's because I wish I could be like him -- The Doctor.

I mean, here is a man who gets to see EVERYTHING. He travels the universe in that little blue box of his (it's bigger on the inside), and he makes a difference in people's lives. Not only does he save them, but he changes them for the better -- teaches them about equality and choice and peaceful living. And he cares about them -- about each ordinary human and emotionless Cyberman and even the cruel aliens from Rexicoricofalipetorious.

Now, I have come to the realization that the probability of me gaining a Tardis and travelling across the universe with psychic paper and a sonic screwdriver saving people's lives is very unlikely. However, I have also decided that I AM going to make a difference ... somehow. I know this makes me sound vain, like I think I'm something grand or I am seeking praise, but really ... I just want to know that my brief span on this earth was WORTH something. That I made a real DIFFERENCE to someone.

Somehow, in some way, I am going to change the world for the better. This I swear. Some day I'm going to do something grand and exciting and marvelous. I'm going to see something of the world and make a difference. I'm making that promise right now, to myself -- a promise I WILL keep.

Captain Whitney

Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. Everyday life can provide honor and valor. Let's hope that from now on this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds.


K'neth S. said...

amazing... truly an insparation to us all Kat!e. you keep on being the amazing person that you are, and you will make peoples lives better by simply being kat!e awesomness!

Captain Whitney said...

...This post makes me happy, 'cause now I have David Tennant on my Blog!!! (Sorry, I had to check the date, so I had to do a post, and what better to post about than the hottest man alive???)