Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a Story!

I've been reading about Marco Polo for History. Honestly, before today the only reference I had to Marco Polo was a pool game.... However, I have instantly become fascinated! Being an explorer would be AMAZING, and his descriptions of the world he found in China... well, it's no wonder that he inspired so many other explorers!

Lately, the only exploring I have been doing has been of places in my books -- but what awesome places they are!!! It is my dream to travel to J-Sar and see the shining cities, or to Aira and study magic at Bostwick's (Batwick's) Academy, or to Phar and ride a unicorn, or to Aquat to ... to ... do whatever it is Aquatians do (honestly, I have no idea).
Right now, I'm writing a series of books about an Earth girl named Kimberly Briggs and a J-Sarn guy named Hendricks (he does have a first name, but he doesn't like to admit what it is) who travel across the universe with Kimberly's Gunnel Crystal. It's going to be AMAZING! (If I can ever get them off of Earth...)

Okay, I woke up late today, and I have been VERY non-productive. I put in 6 1/2 hours of school the past two days, and now I'm fried. All I really want to do is watch Doctor Who and write, but I'm plugging away (well, actually, I'm writing blog posts to avoid having to plug away....)

Oh, sorry to everyone (namely Ken Carson) that I told I was going to Saratoga Springs and then I never contacted.... I'm kind of a ditz (but you already knew that about me, didn't you?).



I am.




I'm out of things to say, so I guess I do have to go do my English class.

Stay out of trouble.

Remember your pineapple.

Don't eat the cat.

Say no to drugs.
Say yes to tacos!

David Tennant is the hottest man alive!

Cheese is icky!


Be a Friend of the Ood!

Go U of G! (University of Galifrey!)

(I would insert a heart, but I'm using a stupid MAC computer and the heart doesn't work!)/Captain Whitney

My object in living is to unite
My avocation and my vocation
As my two eyes make one in sight.

P.S. Here's a link to the site I've been reading about Marco Polo -- it's AMAZING!


Captain Whitney said...

Sorry the link isn't actually a link.... you can copy and paste it into your web bar.

K'neth S. said...

wow, Kat!e that was an adventure to read. it's okay, we all forgive you for forgetting to call us. I loved talking to you yesterday though. Do you get breaks with your online school? We are in fall break right now. anyways, I thought you hated tacos? i love them, they are like my favorite. I can't wait to read your books. you still have to send the captain to me. maybe i can help you finish it.

Captain Whitney said...

I love tacos!!! It's pancakes that I don't like. It was good to talk to you. My fall break was a week or two ago. As soon as I'm done with the book I'm writing right now, I'll send it to you.