Friday, November 07, 2008

One Nation, Under God

As you all know, Senator Obama has now become President Obama. As most of you know, Kenneth, as well as most of the other Republicans, was freaking out a bit about this. I wasn't sure how to feel, but now I know: Calm.

For one thing: We chose the people in the electorial college, the people who represent US. We trusted those people to represent OUR votes. America voted for Obama. I am going to respect his office so long as he does. Does that mean I agree with him? Heck no. But I believe in America.
More importantly: I believe in a higher power. This is NOT One Nation, Under Obamma. It never will be. Even if everything goes crazy, and Obamma turns in-to some sort of Hitler and takes over, we'll be okay. We know these are the last days, and crazy things are going to happen. We've known this was coming.

I HATE politics. I believe that the word expresses it well, poli, in Latin, meaning "many", and "tics", meaning "blood-sucking creatures". I know it's an old joke, but it's true. However, if there is one thing I LOVE, it's my religion. I believe that we are a chosen generation, and I believe that this place that we live in is a great place. And all of those anti-American Americans can go jump in a lake (how's that for Christ-like? Okay, so I'm working on that.) But I cannot abide people who are not willing to stand by their country. We live somewhere where you can SAY what you THINK. Most people can't do that. Our ancestors couldn't do that. WE CAN!

"Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books...Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: 'I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't. I can. And my children will.' Boys want to grow up remembering that."

Do we remember? Are we willing to DO something? Because, you know, this country's bigger than one man. "...this country is bigger than the Taylors, or you, or me, or anything else. Great principles don't get lost once they come to light. They're right here; you just have to see them again!"

So, should we be doing something? Yes! Should we be saying something? Yes! Should we remain "God-fearing, gun-clinging republicans", or whatever Obamma called us, despite the fact that the president doesn't agree with that? Yes!
Should we worry? No!
We don't know how the battle will play out -- but we know who's going to win. All we gotta' do is make sure we are on the right side!

-Captain Whitney

I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too.

Quotations from Frank Capra's Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, found at:


Laura said...

Oh, Katie. Once again I find myslef in familiar territory: snickering and shaking my head as I contemplate how on earth you can have the depth and maturity that you do. So many times in YW's while you were speaking, Katie Griffiths and I would look at eachother as if to say, "What the heck? She's so smart and eloquent. How does she do it?" I'm glad I found your blog! We miss you lots and we'll be watching!

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

It's a scary world we live in but the scarier it gets, the closer the second coming is! Yay!

I, for one, am no Obama fan although I had to campaign for him at school. (That is cruel irony for you =>) Maybe he can grow to be the president he needs to become? I don't know if it's possible but I can have faith. (I wish he hadn't used "Hope" and "Change" in his campaign. It's sort of tainted those lovely words for me =>)

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

(Your Pledge of Alliance doesn't have "Under God" in it. Was it made before that was added into the Pledge?)

Captain Whitney said...

Yeah, I guess it's an old version ... I didn't read it, 'cause, I mean, it's the pledge, I kind of know it O.o It's a great copy to have, concidering my title O.o ☺

My grandmother says that maybe Obamma will want to go down in History as being a great president, and try to be SO amazing in the public's view, that he'll do some good things. I don't care WHY he's doing good things, so long as they ARE good. I just worry about the things that he THINKS the public will like... O.o When he said the Constitution was "out of date" I thought I was going to shoot someone....

(Deep breaths) It's all good. Really. Well, except for the anchovies.