Saturday, November 29, 2008

Are you a fan of delicious flavor?

What better way to start off the season than with some con-artists and murderers? To-day begins the official countdown to not only Christmas but to the season premier (or maybe season continuation...?) of PSYCH! To-day's was great, and I even spotted the pineapple (true, Shawn held it up for all the world to see, with a big red bow on it and everything, so I suppose it wasn't that impressive).
I am so excited for the Christmas Season! I haven't yet come up with a good wish-list, and I think Santa's ready to start throwing Christmas ornaments at me, as so far all I've said I wanted is notebooks, pens, and Wodehouse. I guess it's time I update my Christmas List (who knew Santa used Amazon?)

Anyone have any exciting plans for Christmas? Maybe it's a bit early to start obsessing, as Thanksgiving Break isn't over yet, but I'm already totally excited!!! I'm planning to host a HUGE snowball fight (assuming, of course, that it actually SNOWS) and drink hot cocoa and maybe read a Jane Austen book.

I think I'm going to decorate my bedroom all Christmasy (is that a word?) -- with Snow Flakes. Hmm... I wonder if anyone has any extra Christmas Lights? That would be a spiffy addition. And maybe I can find a little Christmas tree!!! AHH! I'm excited!

My favourite part of the Christmas season is probably coming in from running around in the cold with friends and getting a big mug of hot chocolate and sitting next to fire reading a good book or talking with my mutti. And I like baking cookies and Christmas caroling and snowball fights and sledding and buying gifts for small children and ... and ... I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! What's your favourite part?

Captain Whitney

I'm not inclined to resign to maturity.


Anonymous said...

i couldn't find the comment thing at first but its all good now :) I like the christmasy stuff.... and pineapple... you seem to be obsessed with it lately :) I AM A LIMA BEAN! or so i said even though i'm actually not :) well glad to hear your thanksgiving was good! Mine was too! Lot's of turkey! :) HEARTS! A.K.A (by the way.... you live in Utah! Of course its going to snow!)

Captain Whitney said...

A.K.A. I love you! Yeah, there'll be snow ... I just hope it comes soon! HOORAY FOR LIMA BEANS!!!!

Candice said...

ooh-I think it's all my favorite part. The combination of everything is what I love! Miss you guys on Thanksgiving :(.

Candice said...

& ha! I'm a lima bean, too!

K'neth S. said...

I love christmas too! I put up Christmas lights in my room. It is really cool! I'm a lima bean too, just remember it is better than being a purple carrot!

Captain Whitney said...

Candice: Amen! Just all the happiness rolled up in two weeks! Missed you TOO!!!

K'neth S.: You are SOOO right about the carrot!!!

Wow ... there are four lima beans reading my BLOG (or lima BEENS, concidering my amazing spelling). I draw quite the group of vegetables.

Anonymous said...

Well veggies like to read i guess :) A.K.A.

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Is there a pineapple on every episode of Psych? (I've only seen half an episode although Season One is on our queue.)

Captain Whitney said...

Yes, there is a pineapple in EVERY episode of Psych -- there's actually a "SPOT THE PINEAPPLE" contest (I only ever see the really obvious ones).

Kendle said...

My favorite part of Christmas.......HMM. That's a tough question. I love reading the Nativity story and singing Christmas songs with the family. But Gingersnaps and Fudge and Hot Cocoa and hot cider are all just wonderful as well. I just do love it all! Especially seeing people open presents that you thought A LOT about. That's one of the best feellings. :)