Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not Cleaning My Bedroom

Okay, REALLY, I should be cleaning my room and doing my homework, as I leave for Logan on Tuesday and I won't have time between then and to-morrow to do it, but I'm easilly distracted, and very easily bored, and there is nothing interesting about cleaning one's bedroom or doing math homework.

To-day I've ... watched Psych and and BEGUN cleaning my room. I stayed in bed until 11:30 to-day.... Which was nice, even though I felt like I ought to be up and doing something. I did finally get up. I have yet to do something.

I was planning my latest What About Prince Charming? book -- which will be Cinderella. However, I'm having trouble actually WRITING it, because Prince Charming is a git and I hate writing about people I don't like. Any advice? See -- he's totally obsessed with duty. The only reason he's throwing the ball is because he must marry. Before the ball, he comes across Cinderella a few times, but he looks down on her because she is nothing but a peasent. Then, of course, he falls in love with her at the ball, and she kind of rolls her eyes at him and won't take him seriously. Despite his love of duty, he finds his love of this peasent girl getting in his way, and he refuses to marry if he can't have her -- which he can't, because she refuses to marry him. Which is all fine and dandy, and means he's going to become this great guy to get this girl to fall in love with him, la-de-da-de-da, but how to I write the BEFORE the ball part? Any suggestions for making him annoying without making him so annoying he isn't fun to read (or write) about?

Once again, I'm rambelling, mostly to avoid being productive. Okay, I'll think clearer once my room is clean and my math done -- besides, who wants to do math homework over Thanksgiving break? Besides, as Agatha Cristie said: The best time for planning a book is while you're doing the dishes.

Cheese is icky, clowns are scary, and I have yet to figure out what coconut rhymes with.

Captain Whitney

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.

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