Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Starting Yet Again

So here I am, on my 10 billionth BLOG! But my other one kind of, well, died, and I got sick of pestering my mother to fix it (which she didn't, mostly because I would only ever remember to remind her at inopportune moments, like in the car or at two o' clock in the morning), so I decided that starting a new one would be easier ... at least for me. I won't be able to post stories on it, because it isn't password protected (because SO many people out there want to come on and steal my books *rolls eyes*), but if any of you want any of my books I mention, just bug me about it and I'll e-mail it to you.

I'm really not up to anything very interesting -- just writing a lot and pretending to do my homework. I've stayed home from school the past three days due to illness (which is always when I start my BLOGs and the only time I ever actually post on them....) I've watched a lot of custard* and written a bit and watched more custard and slept a bit and watched more custard and cleaned my room and read and "done my homework" and watched still more custard. It has been quite ... boring, actually. But more fun then math class, so I suppose I ought not complain too loud.

Anyways, I suppose I've got a new episode of I Dream of Jeannie, so I'll post later.

-Captain Whitney
Don't eat the cat.
*I realize that my crazy British slang needs to be explained. See, Custard and Jelly rhymes with tele, so, naturally, "Custard" means "Television". It only makes sense.

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