Thursday, November 06, 2008

Gee, I'm a Tree

I went back to school to-day! You know, I ought to ditch out on three days more often, it makes you feel really special when you go back. I mean, how could you not feel good when you walk in-to Seminary and the entire class shouts, "FRED'S BACK!!!" (well, I guess if your name wasn't Fred....) Miss Lojik (who's a guy) shouted to me across a rather large hallway, and I was quite surprised that Kenneth didn't give me a hug In fact, at lunch to-day a girl that I new by sight but had never spoken to asked me how I was feeling (turns out she's one of my faeries in the play ... go figure). I don't mean to sound cocky, it just made me feel all warm and fuzzy in-side (like when I put my hand in the microwave!), I wasn't expecting such a reception.

Oh, the play. You probably all know that I am playing the part of the faerie queen Titania in our school's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I missed three rehersals this week and felt like such a terrible person for letting Bottom down, and then to-day he wasn't there ☺ We don't have very good timing, do we? My part is awkward enough, but YOU try reading lines of love with a female teacher Yeah, it was awkward.

Ick ... I have two pages of math homework due to-morrow. (one emoticon just wasn't enough) I rather loathe math, actually. But my mother says I have to prepare for when I homeschool my children and my sons want to be engineers.
...I really hope I raise eleven poets, novelists, and philosophers. Just kidding. If my sons want to be engineers ... well, I guess I'll just go back to the books. But that doesn't mean I have to like it, right?

-Captain Whitney

"The king and queen are deceived. I am but mad when the wind blows nor-nor-east. When the wind blows southerly, I can tell a hen from a handsaw." --Hamlet


Misc Molly said...

You're a nutball. But, it's genetic so I'm not giving you TOO difficult a time.

Captain Whitney said...

Yeah, I know where I get it ☺

Captain Whitney said...

Did you vote for Spot, mutti?

K'neth S. said...

I agree misc molly, your mom i presume. haha. :-) I like your blog!

Captain Whitney said...

k'neth s.: Yeah, that's me mutti.

Thanks! Your BLOG is full of Deep Thoughts and Meaningful Messages, and I talk about Jimmy Stewart and pureed spaghetti! Ah well, you know how much I love politics!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I totally figured it out! Anyway... cool blog! hearts! A.K.A

Kendle said...

It's great that you're getting a blog up and running again! I haven't written in mine for AGES maybe I'll get inspired here. :D Hahaha.

Captain Whitney said...

Kendle: That was actually my hope all along -- to get you and Gin back to posting! If nothing else, you should at least post more recipes, I'm back to being brave enough to bake.

A.K.A.: Glad to see you on the BLOG! Loves you!

Anonymous said...

Didn't you move awhile ago? Where are you now? I know I'm not very on top of these sorts of things... in fact you probably told me multiple times! That's me for you! HEARTS!!! A.K.A.

Captain Whitney said...

I'm in Saratoga Springs (not New York, it's across the Utah lake from Provo).

Anonymous said...

cool... I'm still here... only have been for about a year though :) I think Ostrich told me at first you were moving to new york (before you moved) and then I just kind of forgot... A.K.A

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Blogging has come back from the dead! Wahoo! Congrats about the role in a Midsummer Night's Dream! My English class is going to read it at some point this year. I think. Maybe =>

Captain Whitney said...

A.K.A. -- Not New York. Just so's you know.

Gin -- I rather hate reading Shakespeare in school. Seriously. It's almost as bad as reading Ender's Game, though I'm not sure if it is AS bad. The funny thing is, I don't mind reading books I DON'T like at school.