Friday, November 21, 2008

Can't Wait for the Holidays!!!

So, my grandmother was quoting my blog to me to-day, and it kind of weirded me out. Then I went to read the comments and realized that there are quite a few people reading, which REALLY weirds me out. And now I feel all obligated to say something clever, which is kind of a fluky thing with me.

Anyways, I've got an exciting week ahead of me!

Monday: I'm going to Once on this Island with my Drama group (after a good three hour play practice...)! I'm WAY psyched! I love it when we go to plays and dinner to-gether, it makes me feel all special. We're doing the musical for school, so I'm really excited to see it. Shawnae says I would play a good Goddess of Love. I think it sounds fun because she has a constant rivalry with the God of Death, and I kind of have a thing for constant rivalries, like Oberon and Titania ☺

Tuesday: I get to ditch out on school (always good) for a Power in You seminar thing for SBO!!!! And my grandma bought me a whole new outfit and everything! With a spiffy hat! HOORAY! (As most of you know, I kind of have a thing for hats). She also bought me a purse, which I'm pretty sure I will lose, not because I don't like it, but because I'm the kind of person who loses purses. You know that woman who's always running back to wherever she was last, saying, "Have you seen my purse?!" Yeah, that's me.

Then I get to go HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Mr. Packard says not to use excessive !'s. I say: PPBTTBPTPB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I'll be home from Tuesday to Sunday! And I'm going to try to talk my mother in-to letting me ditch out on school Monday so I don't have to go home Sunday. We'll see how that goes. Especially since I think my director would literally kick me out of the play if I did that... which might not be such a bad thing.
Okay, I don't mean that, but, seriously, you should see our play practices! Actually, you shouldn't, because ten minutes in you would be banging your head against the wall and twenty minutes in you'd be ready to shoot someone. NOBODY is memorized, everyone's monotoning, and our directors are stressing so bad it's kind of scary. Seriously, I think Mr. Taylor's ulcers have ulcers. Shawnae says she is going to mysteriously disappear from out of the country the night before the performance. Thanksgiving break is going to make us or break us, depending on whether people MEMORIZE their lines or FORGET them. We open in TWO WEEKS!!!

And now I'm going to change the subject, before I make myself sick.

To-day was BYU/UofU rivalry day at my school, which meant we got to wear jeans and our team's colours. The big game's to-morrow, but I'm not worried, I already know who's going to win. See, I had a dream that UofU would win, and then I had a dream that BYU would win. In Seminary we played a Scripture Mastery game and we separated into UofU and BYU teams, and the prior won. So my first dream has been fulfilled. ☺ I guess we'll see how good my dreams are at predicting the future.

Hmm... besides play practice and LOTS of homework, all I've been doing is writing and writing and writing. I've been working on The Story of Reginald Alcott or Where I Went Wrong of late, but I keep being side-tracked by pointless stories with no plot that are actually quite a lot of fun. I'm writing one right now that began with a writing prompt -- the prompt being to write about three completely different characters waking up and describing their morning routines. Not much of a plot, but great for character development. I ended up with a Bounty Hunter named Ambrose Briant who hates his life and sleeps with his sword (that's about all I know so far, except that he'll work for whoever will pay him the most, which I suppose comes from being, you know, a Bounty Hunter), a purple-eyed witch (yes, the eye colour is important ... Ambrose has grey eyes, by the way, not that you care) who ... erm, hires the Bounty Hunter? That's about all I know right now, except that she ends up with BH in the end. Her name's Nerida (which means "rare") Ammelise, and she's pretty cool, I guess. Then I have the blue-eyed Morgan Morgan (whose real name is Wilbur Morgan, but who has a long and complicated and very boring story about how that was a typographical error on his Birth Certificate, even though it wasn't, he just thinks Morgan Morgan is a cooler name). He's the flirt who just bops around doing his own thing. Very strong Yellow personality (I'll post those personality things later so you know what that means ... I'm too lazy to go find them right now). He's also cool -- I mean, c'mon, his name is (or, well, isn't) Morgan Morgan -- can you get cooler than that? (Well, yes, your name could be The Pineapple Guy, but that is a different matter all together).

I'm in a really random mood, AND I'm really tired, which always equals rather pointless BLOG posts. I guess I'll end on a Thanksgiving motif, with a story I wrote for the season (only PARTIALLY based on truth, though the list of things I'm grateful for DEFINITELY is)

I smiled at the scene before me. My mother and Aunt Rachel were gabbing about the wonders of Weight Watcher's Core Plan; grandpa, my elder brother, and my Uncle Ben were talking about hunting, the children were squirming impatiently in their chairs, my father and grandmother were talking about something or other (my dad was probably boring Gam stiff with his latest computer project), and the delicious smell of turkey wafted gently over us. Paper pilgrims and Indians lined the clothed table and candlelight glittered on the china.
It was a normal Thanksgiving scene at Grandma's, and I loved it.
Then Grandma stood -- probably because she was sick of listening to my dad -- and the room went as quiet as a room can when occupied by six boys under the age of ten, 'Before we begin, I'm sure Ella would love to share five things she's grateful for.'
I groaned. Grandma knows I hate having attention drawn to myself, this was her revenge because I wouldn't speak in the program she did before dinner. Well, there was nothing I could do about it. I lumbered to my feet and gazed at the cornucopia, and suddenly I was struck by an idea. Clearing my throat, I said:
'I am so grateful for so many things,' Grandma smiled and nodded encouragingly, 'For one: duckbill platypuses, for giving us a great word to say and a never-fail conversation topic "Why? Why the platypus?"' I could see that Grandma was beginning to regret her rash act, but there was no turning back now, 'I am also grateful for itchy clothes, for reminding us that the sweater Aunt Mable gave us last Christmas is NOT the most horrible thing in the world. I am grateful for wallpaper, it hides cracks in the walls better than paint. I am thankful for duct tape, it hold the world to-gether. And, finally, I am most grateful for my fork. Now let's eat.'
I grinned triumphantly at Grandma and sat back down.

♥Captain Whitney
When all else fails, order pizza.


Misc Molly said...

You're a nutter. ;-)

Captain Whitney said...

Yeah, well, I know where I get it.

Rachel said...

You are BOTH nuts... :)

shauna said...

I rarely regret my rash acts!

Anonymous said...

HELLO! I like your blog... it gives me stuff to do when i'm bored... and then i get to talk to you! :) <3 A.K.A

Captain Whitney said...

Hooray! Thanks.

Grandma: Well, that's good to hear, or else you'd be regretting things all the time ☺ ...and I guess it's genetic. O.o :D