Saturday, November 22, 2008

BYU and Pineapple Up-Side-Down Cake

Poor BYU.... So much for my Psychic vision. Thomas says he's going to cry for the rest of the evening. I am disappointed, I must say.
Sad sad. Sad.

Well, I HAVE been done something to-day -- my room is clean!!! Hooray! I feel so very productive. I still have a mountain of math homework, not to mention the Geography homework I haven't even looked at yet. And here I am blogging. I am such a failure.

Ah well.

My grandmother made pineapple up-side-down cake, she says because I've been watching Psych. I ought to watch Psych more often.
"Are you a fan of delicious flavor?" Apparently I am, and I don't like cooked fruit. Pineapple up-side-down cake might just be my favourite thing ever now. At least it's up their on the list, above shampoo and unicycles. It is magically delicious (or is that Cocoa Puffs?).
"Sonny is coo-coo. And if Sonny is coo-coo, he must be coo-coo for something."
"Cocoa Puffs?"
"I always thought they were Coo-Coo Puffs."
"No, Sonny is coo-coo for puffs which are cocoa, and make your milk all brown and chocolaty and delicious."

Who knew maple syrup was so pungent? I spilled it on my carpet (and on my bedclothes, thusly I have been washing them to-day, more on that in a minute) several days ago and my room still smells like IHOP. Which is really grody, I must say. However, I sprayed Fabreeze and hopefully that will help. Oh! I have a story about Febreeze! We got the CUTEST little kitten (we being my "sister" and I and this being a year or two ago), but we got it from a smoking family, and it smelled like cigarette smoke, so we went to the store and bought a bottle of Febreeze and sprayed it down (the kitten, I mean, not the store). It was kind of funny. (By the way, we did check, and it says on the bottle that you CAN use Febreeze on pets. So we were certain, before beginning, that we were not poisoning the small feline.)

I learned something to-day: You ought to wash your sheets BEFORE you was your comforter. Then you can actually make your bed, rather than just trying to find something to do with the comforter while the sheets dry. Oh well, I'm still excited to be sleeping in clean sheets (and not having a maple syrup spot to avoid).

My friend Ash and I were having a very political conversation, which we got started on by talking about how much we hate debating, especially political points (go figure), and I remembered the following poem. Thought I'd post it here:

They first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up.

Kind of made me think of the war in Iraq, and how most Americans don't want us to be involved, despite the fact that we are saving innocent people.

Anyways, my room is clean, now I'm going to go do my math homework and see how Reggie's doing. Toodle-pip!

Captain Whitney

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I will be your narrator. My name is Aurora...Borealis. There are over 400 stars in our galaxy, maybe more. No one knows for sure. Many have said that the universe is even larger than the Indian Ocean. And that is why it is called Infinitum Staroctapusim. Ah, yes, our glorious constellations. There they all are, take a look. Over here we with a guy holding some sort of thing. Over here, our beloved Olympic rings, all seven of them. And here, here's one with a fish. Notice, straight, straight above you: the hammer of Jeff. And over there in the South-north, you'll see Monkey With Rash. The Egyptians used to set their clocks by it. Oh look! There goes an asteroid. Comet. It's what they named that cleaning solution after. I know it may stink when you leave it in the sink, but boy oh boy does it clean!"


Anonymous said...

YOU SPRAYED YOUR CAT WITH FABREEZ! Poor kitty! Have i met that cat or no? A.K.A

Captain Whitney said...

Nah, we only had the cat for one night. C'mon, it was FINE. A little ruffled due to the noise the spray made, but elsewise, completely unaffected. ☺ Besides, at least THIS cat didn't get stuck in the fridge.

Anonymous said...

you've had a cat get stuck in the fridge before? A.K.A

Captain Whitney said...
