Sunday, December 07, 2008


My topic of study for the year is Divine Nature and Individual Worth -- which has made it a very nice year, especially since I moved to what feels like a different WORLD and I've been struggling with my self-esteem for a while. Amazing how God knows these things, and knew that I would need these topics!
Anyways, I've thusly been thinking a lot about realizing that we truly are Children of God and, just as importantly, helping those around us to see it as well. For some reason, we think it's really difficult -- mostly because we as humans tend to want to think EVERYTHING is a trillion times harder than it really is.
You know -- you hear a lot about the evils of humanity and how the world is going to the dogs, but I've noticed that, in general, people are nice. I mean, really, they're just nice.

Apparently it's the big Eagle Mountain (though maybe it's all of Utah and I just didn't notice ... maybe it's just High School in general), anyways, it's the big thing to give people hugs. I don't like being touched. At all. It kind of freaks me out, actually. And I very rarely offer hugs, however I do accept them -- and I've been hugged a lot the past few weeks.
In gym this guy hit me with a soccer ball (this guy having longish black hair and wearing nail polish and stuff ... which doesn't really scare me, as my brother wore nail polish and stuff), but, despite appearing to be punkish, after class he sought me out to apologize. I mean, how nice is that?
Anyways, I said, "I think I'll live." and the guy's friend said, "I think she needs a hug.' and the guy said (and he said, and I was like, and then ... sorry, I'm even SOUNDING like a teen-age girl now), but the guy DID say, "I think I need a hug." So then he gave me a hug!
I told my friend, and she didn't believe me. "Guys don't say things like that." was her comment on the matter. But they do, 'cause one did.

At play practice yesterday, Jeremy told me I did a good job and gave me a hug -- isn't that, like, the nicest thing you've ever heard? And Chad said, rather sulkily, "That's Jeremy, always looking for a cheap hug."
"Do YOU need a hug?" I asked him.
So I got TWO hugs for the price of one! ☺

Anyways, all this hugging really makes me feel special. And McKaylie pulled me off yesterday and we had this whole long conversation about guys -- and we laughed and goofed off, and she told me how much she loves me -- and, well, I felt special -- I previously wasn't even sure McKaylie concidered herself friends with me.
So I guess I'm just posting to say how grateful I am for pineapple ... and for the love of all these great people! Tell the people you love that you love them -- even if you just say it light-heartedly, it means a lot. Don't be stinty with your hugs or your kind words. You never know when someone might just be needing a hug.

Captain Whitney

Don't worry about what people think of you -- worry about what they think of themselves when they're with you.


Anonymous said...

AWWW! I hug a lot of people too. I thought you were grateful for hugs... not pineapple... no matter how yummy it is :) A.K.A.

K'neth S. said...

as you know, i hate hugs!!! ughewwyikeseugh!!!!! i hate hugs!!! but it is nice to know that you see that the world may be falling apart, but people are becoming closer. Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to be negative... A.K.A.

Captain Whitney said...

Yeah, well, if you knew KenBarbie the way I do ... you'd know he really is just a dork :P It's a good thing I love him, regardless.

Anonymous said...

Haha! KenBarbie! WOW! A.K.A.

Kendle said...

Hugs are good! Both the Chocolate and non-chocolate kind! And I LOVE YOUR GUTS KATIE!!!! I'm glad you've started posting very insightful things, I think it's just peachy.