Monday, February 23, 2009

I AM Focused -- hey, look, a chicken!!!!

I am in a REALLY random mood today -- probably because I OUGHT to be writing my short story for English, or doing my paper for Drama, or cleaning my room, or doing my science project, or doing my math homework, or ... something similarly productive.
So I'm not.

Oh, the loverly picture of me is one Kenneth took at Shakespeare Festivall -- it's beter than the other ones, I'll say that much. (Not that KenBarbie isn't good at taking pictures -- I just don't like having my picture taken so I make funny faces)

I got this in an e-mail -- you guys (all one of you who read my blog...) ought to fill it out, too! As you may or may not have ascertained, you must answer the question with a word that starts with the first letter of your name.

1. What is your name Kat!e
2. A 4 Letter Word Kiss
3. A Boys Name: Kenneth
4. A Girls Name: Katarianna
5. An Occupation: Kiwi tamer (thanks Heid) or maybe kettle cleaner
6. A Color Kashmire
7. Something you wear: Kimona (okay, I don't wear it, but some people do...)
8. A Beverage: Kabuki
9. A Food: Knichi
10. Something found: Kidnapping victims
12. A Reason for being late: kids are sick
13. Something you shout: KALABUNGA!!!!!

Tee-hee! Alright, that was fun.

Perhaps I will go pretend to be productive now?

Captain Whitney
I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.


K'neth S. said...

I'm a great photographer! I know!!! Get to your paper!!! and don't forget that 2 + 2 equals fish!!!

Captain Whitney said...

You should check your e-mail, child! And then check the CYOA e-mail!

Anonymous said...

I got that e-mail :) In fact it was probably me or Ostrich (or both because you LOVE it when that happens) that sent it to you :) <3 A.K.A.

Kendle said...

Hahaha, I SO need to go to bed! It's not even 9, and I was about to type, "Um, Katie, Kiss isn't a 4 letter word, it's 3!" ........Enough said.

But here's my go at it, even though who knows how this will turn out! OK!
1. Name- Kendle
2. FOUR letter word (haha)- knob
3. A boys name- Kasi
4. A girls name- Kairi
5. An occupation- ok, I think I'm done, I can't think of one, and I do have French HW to do...
Au revoir!

Captain Whitney said...

I did Kiwi Tamer, so....

Anonymous said...

Yeah... not so sure I've ever met a kiwi tamer before... :) <3 A.K.A.

Superior1 said...

Cool, but just to let you know, it's kowabunga. Just remember. I'm a friend of Kenneths, in case you were wondering.

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Love the picture and the current background! Yay for St. Patrick's day! (I guess I don't have to pinch your blog because it's wearing green.)

Where was the Shakespeare Festival? Was it any fun? We just finished reading The Merchant of Venice in English. Good times => I read Portia's role so I had fun.

Well, let's try this thing out!
1. Ginny (or should I do Virginia?)
2. Good (viola, dang, that's five!)
3. George (Victor)
4. Gretchen (Vivian, doesn't that sound like the name of a bad antagonist? I love it!)
5. Gardener (Violinist)
6. Green! (Violet)
7. Galoshes (Vest)
8. Gatorade (Vodka)
9. Golosh (V . . . I give up!)
10. Goldfish crackers underneath the couch
11. Got pulled over
12. Great pig snouts!

Ronnie said...

I was browsing through Kenneths blog and saw this lovely picture of you. I became curious and read you blog. Don't worry though, I never do my homework!

Captain Whitney said...

Hooray! People are actually reading my Blog! ... maybe I should actually post, nu?