Friday, February 06, 2009

A Day In This Bliss Called Life

Do you ever just open your eyes and realize that everything around you is perfect? That you really have everything you want, and everything is just right, and all you want to do is what is right? I had one of those moments today -- I think Wodehouse calls it euphoria, but don't quote me on that one. Anyways, it hasn't worn off.

My cousin Sam says "Say 'Hi, from Sam, my cousin'". I'm at their house right now. It was actually pretty awesome -- I was sitting, basking in the sheer joy of being alive, and doing my Science homework (which was far less fun), when my uncle called up the stairs: "Hey, Aunt Candi was wondering if you want to go stay at her house." So now Uncle Stephen and I are bopping around at Aunt Candi's, hanging out with my cousins and playing video games. The best trips are the spontaneous ones.

The only trouble with this spontaneity is that we can't watch Psych until to-morrow. :( Oh well.

I was very productive to-day -- I studied for my Science test and my History test and cleaned my room and did my Seminary reading. You should be proud of me :)

Okay, I promised Sam I'd play Zelda: Ocarina of Time with him (I freaking love that game!!! My six year old self coming out again), so I've got to go.

When in doubt -- eat pineapple. It won't solve anything, but you'll be too happy to care!!

(heart)Captain Whitney

Idioms are for the birds.


K'neth S. said...

Cool. Family time is great. I love the game Zelda too. It is the best. We would always freak out when we would see one of those redead(the zombies that moan and scream and freeze you) have fun!!!

Captain Whitney said...

Oh my freaking heck -- when those things come after me, I run around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off! Which is not as good as the time the giant jellyfish dropped on my head and I screamed, threw the controller at Sam, burried my face in the pillow, and kicked my feet, still screaming.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Sounds interesting :) I've never played Zelda but when I play games where people are comming after me I usually freak out and start attacking at random.... I almost always miss... the joys of panicking... :) <3 A.K.A.

Captain Whitney said...

A.K.A. I do that TOO! Except, when you play on the Wii, you swing your hands, which makes Link swing his sword, and the bad guys die! It's AWESOME!

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

I LOVE ZELDA! And I'm impressed that your six-year-old self can play Zelda. My seventeen-year-old self freaks out every time she sees something that can kill her =>

Captain Whitney said...

Yeah ... I did when I was six. My fifteen year old self does to, but she pretends not to ☺ I remember killing my first badguy in Zelda --with MUCH coaching from my father!