Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It SNOWED last night! There's TONS of it! (Well, "tons" is relative. There's about three inches, but it's more than there was yesterday.) I am SOOO excited for Christmas! (even though I haven't bought anyone's Christmas present.... O.o) I'm paying two little boys to shovel a quarter of an inch of snow off our driveway -- they were just too cute! They asked if they could shovel it, and the older boy said: "For three dollars." and the younger one said, "Or two." How sweet are they?

I'm all sad -- my Young Women's group is going Christmas Caroling and I stayed home from school sick to-day! And I didn't even fake it this time -- I really do think I've got the flu that's been going around. :( Ah well, no more play practice to drag myself to!

I'm sad the play's over, really I am, but it will be nice to be able to sleep, and not have to worry about running around and curling my hair :) Last night was my worst night (of course, because it was our last performance!). I KNOCKED OVER A TREE!!!! It was during the blackout, so no one knew it was me, but Oberon noticed when he tripped over it during his monologue! I'll miss everyone in the cast -- I mean, I think Oberon and I will still hang out, and I'll see Shawnae and MacKalie (whose name I cannot spell to save my life), but it won't be the same as seeing them six hours a day plus school time!
I think the play went really well -- Wednesday night we improved almost the entire thing (which is interesting with Shakespeare), but every other night we did really well on our lines, save for the occasional mishap. Wednesday was hysterical -- "Demetrious" forgot one of his lines and hesitated for only a split second before saying: "And ... you should not do that!" Really, though, if he'd said "Thou shalt not" it would have been totally Shakespeare! :) Then, during the Rustic's play, the Duke forgot one of his lines, and realized it partway through when he noticed that their play had been cut short, so he doubled back and said his missing line, causing the moon to shout, "AGAIN?!" It was AWESOME!
Besides my knocking over a tree and falling down the stairs (sigh) last night went over really well. My mother ran to the store for us and bought Mr Taylor (our director) a basket full of chocolate, which McKaly (yeah, that doesn't look right either...) gave to him. I wanted to get him a pineapple, but mutti said no.

I recorded Aladdin on my TiVo!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!! Seriously, not only is it my favourite DISNEY movie of all times, I think it's my favourite MOVIE of all times!!!
"That's Sultan Vile Betrayer to you."
It's just a great movie! I watched that and White Christmas to-day -- Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas", can you get better than that? I think not! True, I like the version of it in Holiday Inn better (the background music is less annoying), but so long as he's singing it, I don't care what the background music sounds like! (I may or may not have the slightest obsession with Bing Crosby's voice....)

I cannot believe that, after Friday's Family Christmas party I get to go HOME! I am SOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm even going to endure MORE curlers for Sunday (the curlers I got for Midsummer's are AMAZING! I'll have to post pictures sometime.). What are your holiday plans?

Oh, we watched this in Seminary, and it's going around the e-mails. Thought I would share it with you -- remember, Christmas isn't just a time of giving, it's a time of receiving -- of being GRATEFUL for the things you have and the things people give you! Love you all!


Captain Whitney
Never fails! You get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp!


K'neth S. said...

Kat!e, I always love reading your blog. It is a mixture of laughs and sentimentals. I am sorry to hear you are sick. We really miss you at school when you are gone. the class just seems empty in Geography. I love christmas too! we will just be doing it here. Merry Christmas! Bah-humbug to Happy Holidays! and may the merry bells keep ringing!

Misc Molly said...

You and Oberon will still be hanging out, will you??? ;-)

You're a nutter.

Can't wait for you to be HOME!!

Bought you some awesome stuff today!!

Love you!

Captain Whitney said...

KenBarbie: Missed you guys. Don't you just LOVE snow? (Especially in the hands of Megan!)

Mum: Yeah, Oberon and I still hang out. ☺

Kendle said...

I need to watch White Christmas again, that's a good movie. Sorry that you were sick, glad you're doing better!

Captain Whitney said...