Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Wanna' Wash My Hands, My Face, My Hair With SNOW!

There are fifteen minutes left on my pineapple upside down cake -- MY p. u. d. c.! I'm SOOO excited! Sadly, I can't try it until to-morrow, because it's for a class :( AND we may not even have school to-morrow! But more on that in a minute.
Do you know how many PIECES there are to a p. u. d. c.?! I gave up counting how many times the recipe told me to get something to-gether and then "set it aside" so I could do something else! And, of course, I managed to get every ingredient on my clothes (where it happily joined my dinner O.o). This has probably been the FUNNEST thing I've ever baked -- let's hope it's also the TASTIEST. I have had my share of baking mishaps :( The Chocolate Chip Cookie Fiasco comes to mind, followed closely by the Sugar Cookie Tragedy. Let us hope the Pineapple Upside Down Flop is NOT added to the list. But, hey, I'm not cooking it with an easy-bake oven, so at least I know it will be done ☺
To-day I actually WENT to school! In Seminary we played some games, watched a movie, and ate pancakes (well, I use the term "we" loosely -- I don't like pancakes anyways, much less when they're a day old and microwaved ... EEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!). Then in math the people who had turned everything in played games and those who had missing assignments theoretically worked on those assignments -- two kids played games. I was not one of them, as I'm sure you could probably guess. In Creative Writing we wrote some really stupid holiday stories (I wrote a letter to Santa Clause asking him for a horse and a swimming pool and a parrot and a monkey and ... some other stuff). Then we had a HUGE snowball fight -- because it snowed ALL day!!!! There was TONS of snow!!!! AND THEN they cancelled school!!!
Uncle Steven and I went Christmas shopping -- I got Renee and Grandma and Grandpa and my mother's presents. There's a family party to-morrow (I'm SO excited!!!!)
They MIGHT cancel school to-morrow, but it hasn't been snowing any more, so I doubt it -- unless it snows to-night. I hope it does! Well, I do and I don't. Firstly, it would be dangerous to travel, and I REALLY want to go to Logan Saturday, and I think school will be fun to-morrow. I mean, it's a half day, and the day before Christmas Brake, I don't think we're going to be doing much more than goofing off. Biger Than Wee Jaque Jaque wants me to ditch out on P.E. to go to Seminary with him -- which I am actually concidering, especially if we watch a movie in P.E.

Okay, so I finished the p. u. d. c. (and took a bath and watched Leave it to Beaver -- the computer went on the fritz so I had time to do lots of things). It turned out great! (The cake, I mean.) Well, I think it did. I snitched a little peice, and it was good, and it looks and smells good -- oh my goodness gracious, I can't wait to eat it!!!

I'll post the recipe and other fun things latrez, but I'm getting tired, and I want to work on the book I'm writing (you know, it's quite amazing to me that any author ever passed school. I ALMOST did my math homework last night, but then I got distracted by a new book idea....).
Captain Whitney

When what's left of you gets around to what's left to be gotten, what's left to be gotten won't be worth getting, whatever it is you've got left.

But I guess I ought to leave you with something deep and poinient (though it would rather be a change from my natural habits, I happened to be looking at quotes from "White Christmas" anyhow).

if you're ever under a falling building and someone offers to pick you up and carry you to safety, don't think, don't pause, don't hesitate for a moment, just spit in his eye.

Just kidding -- I really do have a good thought in here somewhere, but I can't find the quote and they're ALL so good!

Judy Haynes: [about Betty] Yesterday, she couldn't sleep. Today, she won't eat. She's in love. Phil Davis: Well if that's love, somebody goofed.

Still looking. While we're looking, how's this? The song that is stuck in one's head year round!

Betty Haynes: Mr. Bones? Mr. Bones? How do you feel, Mr. Bones?
Phil Davis: Rattlin'!
Betty Haynes: Mr. Bones feels rattlin'. Ha ha. That's a good one. Tell a little story, Mr. Bones.
Bob Wallace: A funny little story, Mr. Bones!
Phil Davis: How do you stop an angry dog from biting you on Monday?
Betty Haynes: Why, Mr. Bones, that joke is old. You kill the dog on Sunday!
Phil Davis: That's not how you stop a dog from biting you on Monday!
Betty Haynes: How do you bring a thing about?
Phil Davis: Have the doggy's teeth pulled out!
Betty Haynes: Oh, Mr. Bones, that's terrible!
Phil Davis: Uh-huh.
Betty Haynes, Bob Wallace: Yes, Mr. Bones, that's terrible!
Phil Davis: Uh-huh.

Found it -- might as well post the whole thing while I'm at it:

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessing instead of sheep
And I fall asleep, counting my blessings

When my bankroll is gettin' small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep, counting my blessings
I think about a nursery
And I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them
As they slumber in their beds

If you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings.
So if you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
nd you'll fall asleep counting your blessings.

No need to watch "White Christmas" this year -- I just posted the whole thing for you!


K'neth S. said...

Merry Christmas Kat!e!!!!!!!! I have never tried p u d c before. you'll have to post the recipie for reals. It was so cool that they cancelled school yesterday. i didn't go today. I found no point. I am sitting here listening to green day. I also have to read your new book that you are writing. Mine has been put on stand still. I want to start typing it up. But you are an amazing writer and enjoy reading what you write. I hope you have fun with your family! we are having a quiet Christmas here. See you January 5!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! and a happy new year!!

Captain Whitney said...

KenBarbie: Yeah, I guess it was pretty pointless, though we DID have fun at school today -- just goofing off and stuff. We missed you in Geo -- and you didn't get any of my cookies, 'cause you weren't there :P I'll send you my book, if you really want to read it. Even though you're a Bo Gee hater! :(

Loves! :)

Kendle said...

I can't believe it's only 5 days to Christmas! All that snow sounds like fun, I don't think school will ever be canceled for a snow day here considering it's 55 here..... :P Love you!

Captain Whitney said...

Kendle: That's just sad :( HOORAY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

Candice said...

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year!


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