Monday, March 23, 2009

I Am But Mad When the Wind Blows Nor-Nor-East

My director is so bipolar! He's in L.A. today, so we figured we didn't have play practice, so I called Uncle Stephan to pick me up at 2:25. Then Mr. Taylor told Portia that we did have play practice -- so I telephoned my uncle and asked him to pick me up after play practice (whenever that was). Then Crazy Head texted Portia and said we only have play practice if the choir teacher was willing to be adult supervision and help us out -- which, apparently, she was not, for now we don't have play practice. I telephoned Uncle Steven and asked him to pick me up at 2:25 -- and let's hope this is the last time.

I skipped out on lunch today to finish my play for Drama -- then had to hang out in the computer lab during mentoring to continue. I figured I would end up having to finish it at home and hope Mr. Taylor didn't kill me. Then our substitute told us we would be spending the class period working on our plays. So, thusly, I finished forty minutes early and am now writing a blog post which you may or may not be reading (I would assume that you are, but I could be mistaken).
Anyways, luckily for me, we had an auction in Seminary today, and I bought a mini-box of Froot Loops, so I did not go lunchless. HOORAY for Seminary!!!! Today we talked about the repentance process -- which was fun and all but now my faerie blood is taking over. SO on to another topic!

No, I really do think I have faerie blood. Kimberly and I were discussing this, because I can't hold a conversation on one topic for longer than approximately thirty seconds. Everyone knows that faeries are flighty, and it's actually something I talk about in mine and Anit's book Carson's School for the Future.

I finished organizing my room yesterday -- it wasn't really like cleaning, because going through all my papers was relaxing and way fun! (Okay, this is my justification -- mostly, my OCD nature took over and I couldn't leave the papers scattered all over my room the way they were) My room looks better than it has since I moved in to my Grandparents'! (That apostrophe is very important....)
Also yesterday, I had a Rex Harrison marathon! I watched all two movies with him that I know of! My Fair Lady and The Ghost and Mrs. Muir! They were positively amazing (just like they were the last time I watched them)!!! My Fair Lady is actually my most recent obsession -- I tend to collect those. In fact, I was being mocked for my obsessions during History today, because I was squealing over Psych and how DEPRESSED I am that it's over 'till JUNE!!!! (WHAAA!!! I'm still depressed ... and now I'm craving pineapple!) Obsessions make me happy, and keep my occupied....
Mainly, I'm a Drama queen -- if I'm even remotely affiliated with something, I'm passionate about it. I get it from my mother, so blame her.

Anyways, don't eat the cat!

♥/Captain Whitney

"Going into theater is like asking for admission into an insane asylum."


K'neth S. said...

Wow, you really do have to much time on your hands. I do too. I right now am a little bored. I don't have any homework. and nothing else to do. hehehe.

Captain Whitney said...

I wish I had your problem. I've got PLENTY of homework and lots else to do!

Misc Molly said...

Um... the real question of the day is, "ARE YOU COMING HOME TONIGHT?" (focus, focus, focus)

K'neth S. said...

your mom is hilarious sounding. Kat!e, where do you get it all?(chuckle to myself) your insane in one of the best ways, and yet you are also the most sane person on the planet. I mean "pigs are people too!" and you can say it with a strait face! wow. (sigh deeply).

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Obsessions are FANTASTIC! My latest is NATHAN HALE! Remind me to tell you about him sometime. Wait, you won't have to remind me, I'll just tell you right now =>

Nathan Hale is often credited as being America's first spy. He was hanged in 1776 after the British found extensive notes in his shoe. It's said that his last words were, "I only regret that I have but one life to give to my country." He was really young when he died, like twenty-one or there-abouts, and a school teacher, and handsome => And before he joined the army, he got up early every day to teach a special class for girls because oftentimes they weren't educated! Isn't he wonderful!? I'm totally in love with him!

Captain Whitney said...

Gin: I'm obsessed with him too! (as of three seconds when I heard of him!!!) AHHH!!! I think I'm in love!!!

(I almost posted this under my uncle's account ... somehow, I don't think he would have appreciated that)

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Another fan for Nathan Hale! Yay! I'm seriously thinking about starting a club, what say you?

Captain Whitney said...

I'D join!

Emily said...

Ha! You said "Don't eat the cat" !!! ~is suddenly quite happy~