Sunday, March 29, 2009

51 Things in my Bedroom...

...because I ought to be doing my homework -- or sleeping (what a novel idea!).

1. A thing pretending to be a closet

2. A teensy-weensy custard (that I chose over a giant one)

3. A penguin pillow that says: MOO!

4. Penguin quilt

5-9. Some of my penguin collection

10. Spiffy fadora

11. A broken wall mirror

12. Spinny chair

13. Rabbit lamp

14-19. My Wodehouse books

20. The Three Amigos VHS

21. backpack

22. vanity

23. Partially mutilated green bunny

24. Serial killer baby chicken

25. telephone

26. Unicorn

27. Typewriter

28. Hobbes

29. Marvin

30. Zounds

31. Jewelry box

32. Printer

33. DVD player

34. BzzAgent box

35. horse

36. cow

37&38. Matching armchairs with mis-matching legs

39. filing cabnet

40. stool

41. roll-top desk

42. giant spool of string

43. white Ikea dresser

44. green tiara

45. Crib/bed

46. white board

47. game cube

48-50. Fablehaven 1-3

51. ME!

...Not that anyone cares. This one chic did it on her blog, and I thought it was kind of a fun idea. Mostly, I ought to be finishing my story for Creative Writing (or, as I say, sleeping), and I'm not, so I had to be doing something else.

I have a TON to post about ... hopefully I'll find time tomorrow.

I was rereading my old blog today. Rather painful. I hope I don't sound nearly so stupid on this one....

Sigh. Always depressing to think yourself really clever and then find out that you really aren't. Tee-hee, oh well. It's your time you're wasting, reading my Random Babbelings of Nonsensical Nothingness. And at least there's pineapple, right?

Captain Whitney

Don't get eaten by brownies!


K'neth S. said...

wow! a serial killer baby chicken? never heard of such a bizarra mastermind of evil! Your room sounds interesting! but do you sleep on the floor? because i didn't see mention of a bed!

Ronnie said...

you are a very strange person. I went back to my blog, (which I haven't posted on in quite some time) and read what you said. Wow. You had quite a few things to say. you should go read it. You seem to like penguins and pineapple. i like to read what you right. it makes me smile. nice picture by the way. Kenneth?

K'neth S. said...

I read you blog again. and i just love reading it!!! "a thing pretending to be a closet!" i love it! you are amazing Kat!e!

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Speaking of Fablehaven, have you read the new one? It was so fantastic! I love it AND Warren! (He's my favorite!)

I liked your old blog so don't knock it too much. Good times were had on it.

Captain Whitney said...

Gin: I read the new one. I LOVE WARREN!!!!! WITH A PASSION!!!!! And I'm hooking him up with Vanessa (true ... there's this thing with a knapsack ... oh my heck, I CRIED!!!).

KenBarbie: I love you, child. It IS just pretending to be a closet -- it isn't real. As for a bed, try number 45.

Ronnie: Sorry I freaking ATTACKED you on your blog. I really didn't mean it like that. I think you have some great ideas (though I would be grateful if you would do a post that wasn't about politics. Believe it or not, I actually hate politics with a passion). Anyways, either way, glad to have you on my blog!!!

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

I SO want Warren to end up with someone. It's plausible that Vanessa will be it. I think I'm okay with that. I kind of like Warren and Kyndra myself, but Kendle will not let me forget that he's her second cousin. And he's a lot older than her . . . but still! I mean, there was that whole comatose thing. And he smiled! Oh well, I guess I should just chill => (Man, two books ago seems like ages, even though I just read it for the first time like last month.)

My mom was SO devastated by Gavin, she really liked him. I was not as big of a fan, seeing as how truly in love with Warren I am, but I was kind of shocked. Actually, I kept on screaming => It was just TOO intense! I always though that his mother was a dragon, made possible by the whole avatar thing, but I was assuming that Charlie was actually his dad. So I guess I was kind of right, right? =>


Lastly, I read the politic blog in question. Good times => I actually really love politics, but it's probably a good thing I missed on that particular debate. I'm just glad everyone's friends now =>

Misc Molly said...

Really, who DOESN'T need a big ball of string?

Captain Whitney said...

Gin. I love Warren too, but I'm such a huge Vanessa fan, and I was so rooting for Gavin, that I didn't even consider Kendra/Warren. I guess it's possible, but I'm still holding out for Vanessa -- I mean, she rocks socks. And her whole line on how over-cocky he is totally leaned in that direction (well, if you're reading like that. I guess any line can be taken 12 ways, according to how you're reading it). Yeah, it just never even crossed my mind that he was the traitor. *Sigh*

Mum. Everybody wants a string and a rock to wind the string around.