Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just for KenBarbie

 I'm in Creative Writing class, and I think I'm supposed to be being productive. However, KenBarbie will never leave me alone if I don't post SOMETHING.

I like pancakes and ducks!

Don't eat the cat!

Pineapple to you!

Maybe some day I will post something of worth.

(heart)Captain Whitney

When in doubt, order pizza.


K'neth S. said...

Hey, wrrite some more!!! life is boring without an all famous quote or speach from the almighty Kat!e Larson!!! and please stop calling me Kenbarnie. thanks a gazillion!!!

Anonymous said...

You should post stories or something on here... I need stuff to procrastinate school work :) <3 A.K.A.

P.S. I vote you keep calling him KenBarbie. Its funny :)

K'neth S. said...

oh--- plegh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! :) Does that mean I won the KenBarbie battle? Or is he just arguing with me? <3 A.K.A.