Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Devil Made Me Do It

So... I'm still sick, and I missed my second day of play practice in a row. I'm REALLY worried about how Mr. Taylor is going to react!!! Anyways, because I've been sick and my mother finally talked me into it, I've spent all day: on Facebook!

Wow... if ever there was a waist of time, it was putting Flair on Facebook. Which has to be hypocritical statement of the year, for I have created so many Flair they won't let me add any more until tomorrow, and I've added so many to my corkboard that I ha dto move on to the second one. Sigh. I feel REALLY non-productive! It's really rather depressing. Maybe this was just the thing to get me back focused on school -- I'm READY to go back!!!
...well, at least to play practice....

Except that I still don't feel good.

I'm really depressed.... Sigh. Oh well.

Captain Whitney
Boys are like lava-lamps: fun to look at, but not very bright.


K'neth S. said...

I'm sorry you don't feel well. I hate being sick too. Hope you feel well. I won't be at school today if you come back. See you Monday!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You have a facebook! I need to friend you! & I'm a twilight fan too by the way... :) I also heard boys are like slinkies... pointless but fun to watch fall down stairs... <3 A.K.A.

Captain Whitney said...

I hope by "Twilight" you mean Zelda: Twilight Princess and not TWILIGHT.

What isn't to love about pushing boys down stairs?

K'neth S. said...

I can name many things that aren't to love about pushing boys down the stairs.

one- ouch
two-medical bills
four- broken stair case
five- broken heart

Anonymous said...

I doubt the staircase would suffer any damage... I wasn't talking about Zelda... I actually meant Twilight... Anyways I'm going to friend you on facebook today when I get home :) <3 A.K.A.

Ronnie said...

Twilight was dumb. BUt i have fallen down the stair case. My little brother pushed me. He thought it was fun. I didn't. it is painful. yes, very!

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Did somebody say "Twilight" as in that horrendous mock-vampire series. Sorry, I think I just threw up a little.

Facebook is a fantastic time-waster. I'm glad you joined the ranks =>

When was your Spring Break?

I'd love to stay and chat but I HAVE to go to bed! 'Night!

K'neth S. said...

hey, stranger! you need to post something else! do you realize that your last posted April 23! that is a long time ago! AHH! i miss hearinga about your life! POST! POST! POST! POST! POST!

Emily said...

ack! not TWILIGHT!!!