Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pixie Stix, Lafty-Tafty Jokes, Hot Guys, and Sleep Deprivation...

...I am SO there!

Sorry it's been a bazillion years minus a half-post since I've come on! Life's been hectic, but nothing's really happened that's good to post about. Nothing I thought would interest you guys, anyways, but KenBarbie was pestering my so much I decided I had to say something, even if I had nothing to say.

This week has been crazy! We've had half schedule because the "Big Kids" are testing -- but a really wonkified half schedule, with two two-hour classes a day! We watched an entire movie today in Creative Writing (and ate cupcakes!).

Plus, I've had play practice -- but that was cancelled to-day. Mr. Tayler's REALLY starting to stress me out! This was a last-minute play, and we perform the (gulp!) 24th!!! and he keeps cancelling practices!! He's crazy, I tell you! Paden thinks he's a warewolf -- I just think he's bipolar, but either way, he's psychotic. A great director, though. I guess you have to be nuts to be great in the dramatic arts. (Shut up.)

I've actually been productive today! My friend Jill (age 5) came over to-day, and then her sister Caitlyn (age 8) visited, and then her brother Isaac (age 10). They're awesome. Anyways, we hung out, and then they went home, and somehow they inspired me to actually do something. I wrote my English essay (gag!) and typed my science notes and ... well, I guess that's about it, but it took almost an hour and a half, so it felt pretty productive. My essay is awful, but, then, I turn in things I like, and Mrs. Hancock hates it, I turn in something I hate, she loves it -- so I ought to get full marks on this piece of crap that I threw together. I have until Monday to edit it, but maybe I should just leave it the way it is?

I hate essay writing.

I don't say that to complain -- just stating a fact. After all, I'm done with the stupid essay, what do I have to complain about?

I did have a sleep-over planned for this weekend, but my friend got sick. Oh well, maybe this way I'll actually get some sleep.

PSYCH's ON TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! I spotted the pineapple last week, I was so proud of myself! The only times I usually see it is when Suan holds it up with a big red bow on it. Tee-hee!

So, I've got to write a short story for Creative Writing. Short-stories aren't really my forte. At all. But I'm plugging away -- and I've actually gotten to the point where I can enjoy the process (though I don't think anyone around me does). Some days I hate being a writer, other days I remember why I never want to be anything but. The latter is becoming more and more INfrequent. Ah well, all part of the trade, I suppose?

I still haven't read for Seminary yet to-day, so I had better go.

Don't eat the cat!

Captain Whitney

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God said: "Let there be light!", and there was still nothing, but now you could SEE it!


K'neth S. said...

cool. You actually wrote something! sorry for pestering you. It is just so fun to read what you write, and when the world is deprived of the fabulous writing of Kat!e Larson, its like a famine!!! I hope you are still having fun with the play. I'll try to come see this one. and it took me a second to understand the italisied quote at the bottom, but then i got it! see you at school!!! hey and you should go to Becca Wadleys blog, the one in play practice with you, your sister in law.(joes sister hehehe)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the title of this one :) And the picture :) What play are you in now? I've never actually seen psych... maybe I should watch it some time <3 A.K.A.

Captain Whitney said...

KenBarbie: You know what, KenBarbie? You're a dork! It's a good thing I love you. I don't know if you'd like this play, but it is kind of cool. Just ... kind of dark.

A.K.A.: Yeah, it's a quote from one of my friends (the title of this post, I mean), I thought it pretty much summed up my life. And! It's the best show EVER!!! (Psych, I mean. Fabuloso. I love it. As you may already have ascertained.)