Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Term, Another Beginning

Term started today -- which meant I had to go to classes at scheduled times today, which meant I had to wake up before 9 ►_◄ Not cool.
I am, however, really excited for this new term. It's a fresh start, and a chance to do things right this time. Last term I kind of ... well ... failed -- and I'm definetly not proud of that and wish I hadn't done it, though I did learn some things that I am glad I learned, even at the cost of my grades. Sometimes there are more important things than math.
But THIS term, I've got all my life-lessons out of the way, and can really crack down on stuff, get to work. I've worked out a schedule that I think will agree with me -- and now I'm taking Psychology, score! Of course, it was at the loss of my Latin class, which stinks, but I'm still excited to take it.

As for my social life ... well, that's non-existent, so never mind.
Oh, but I DID start a club! It's the Society Of Literacy And Bananas! Association (SOLAB!A). We're a writing group (thus the "Literacy") full of crazy teenage girls (thus the "Bananas!"). This past Friday was our first meeting, and the girls brought some really amazing pieces. We wrote from the prompt Death was last seen in the auction house, looking worried. Some of the things they came out with were astonishing. One of the girls wrote a piece that might be the most beautiful thing I have EVER heard -- classics included.
I am really excited to be drawing closer to writers in my community. I joined the Logan League of Utah Writers -- which is a group of adults who share their writing, which is fun (if a little nerve-racking ... I mean, I don't usually allow anyone outside of my age-range to read my stuff).

Um de um de um... I guess I should get back to Math class (grr). I'll talk at 'cha all latrez!!!

Captain Whitney
Never put off until tomorrow that which you can do the day after tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Poem

Sorry this isn't a real post -- I haven't been in a real blogging mood lately. I'll post later about the first Society Of Literacy And Bananas! Association meeting.

I wrote this poem a while ago, while I was going through one of my random bouts of depression. It doesn't really make sense, but does any poetry?

The Apprentice

This is just another test
I guess?
Another of those things you say
will make things better in the end.
Is that all I am—
a test?
Or worse—
Just one to take it?
Filling in answers,
Learning day by day,
So what?
So you can take the credit?
I’m not going to train
If it’s a waste of my time.
I’m not going to learn
If this is the test
For which I’m
I’m not just a test-taker
I’m a life-changer,
And I want a chance
To do something more
Than take tests.

♥/Captain Whitney

P.S. No, the picture doesn't have to do with anything, I just thought it was awesome. And, no, I did not forget the pineapple.