Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Devil Made Me Do It

So... I'm still sick, and I missed my second day of play practice in a row. I'm REALLY worried about how Mr. Taylor is going to react!!! Anyways, because I've been sick and my mother finally talked me into it, I've spent all day: on Facebook!

Wow... if ever there was a waist of time, it was putting Flair on Facebook. Which has to be hypocritical statement of the year, for I have created so many Flair they won't let me add any more until tomorrow, and I've added so many to my corkboard that I ha dto move on to the second one. Sigh. I feel REALLY non-productive! It's really rather depressing. Maybe this was just the thing to get me back focused on school -- I'm READY to go back!!!
...well, at least to play practice....

Except that I still don't feel good.

I'm really depressed.... Sigh. Oh well.

Captain Whitney
Boys are like lava-lamps: fun to look at, but not very bright.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

holding out for spring break

I am SOOOOO ready for Spring "Keep"!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Don't ask on the keep thing) All of my teachers have Spring fever, and it's driving me crazy! Mrs Hancock, my English teacher, started filling out detention slips on Monday and waited almost anxiously for us to do something so she could give them to us. Mr Crazy Head Taylor was in a REALLY bad mood today -- my friends all say they're scared of him, but I just laughed at them: until TODAY, when I descovered that Mr C.H.T. can be scary!!! Luckily he lightened up before Play Practice ended. I think Grandma's in a bad mood too.... Sigh.

I'm holding out well, though! I'm actually pretty happy!!! I just want to give everyone else a break, so that when I see them again THEY will be happy.
Kendra and I are writing the SPIFFIEST of all SPIFFY books! I play DEATH, she LOVE -- and each of us has to find a new student to train to take our position, so's we can retire. So Kendra plays my student, Fredrick (who's a girl ... don't ask), training to be DEATH, and I play her student, the yet-to-be-named LOVE in training, who's a guy. The great thing is, she's really sweet, loves animals, and hates killing people -- in fact, she REALLY REALLY REALLY doesn't want to be DEATH. And my character would rather play video games than hook people up -- he thinks love is grody, but now it's his job to make people fall in LOVE. Tee-hee. It's really fun.
**What should I name LOVE????**

So ... Drama is consuming my life, but I have found time to work on my latest book (I know, I KNOW, FINISH one already!!!). This one's called Disbelieved, and it's about a girl (Rebecca Hutchinson) who has an Imaginary Friend (Jake, her knight without shining armor ('cause that's stuff's awful uncomfortable)), but then she stops believing in him, because she's eleven and grown up. He gets sent to the cold, desolate planet of Brilliantis -- but he fights his way back to Earth, arriving when Becky is twenty one and most in need of his assistance. She just broke of her engagement with Some Dude, she hates her job, she's failing all her classes... I dunno'. She's in a rut.
Jake has to work to get her to believe in him. It's a really sweet story, I think. I'm really enjoying the writing process (in the few moments I can scrape together to write).

I'M GOING TO PHANTOM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it had better be pretty awesome, 'cause I paid twenty bucks for the ticket! It'll be cool -- we get a back-stage tour and everything. AND I get to skip out on Science Class (it's almost worth the $20 just for that....)

I've been keeping up on my homework!!! I'm actually really proud of myself, stupid though that sounds. I've been doing my B-Day homework ON B-Days (what a concept!) and my A-Day homework on A-Days (no!). I only have a VERY SMALL amount of Geography homework to do today.

OH MY HECK!!! We have the awesomest Geography assignment!!! (Despite the fact that awesomest is not a word) We were all really annoyed with Ms Cox when she told us we had homework over Spring Keep, but after we heard what it is, I'm all excited! I can't talk about it, 'cause it's supposed to be SECRET, but I'll post after I do it!

As you may be able to tell, I'm in a really random mood. Play practice was physically and emotionally draining, and I don't really feel like doing anything, so I'm just writing everything that comes to this complicated little head of mine.
But that's why you love me, right?

Anyways, I'm going to go away now, while I still maintain a speck of sanity.
Captain Whitney
And Peter Pan chose this particular house because there were people here who believed in him.